Date Responsible Changes
September 7, 2022 @Željko Rumenjak Initial version
February 2, 2023 @Anonymous Destroy intent corrected
February 27, 2023 @Anonymous Added Version to Ledger URL
March 7, 2023 @Filip Herceg Changed the URL to
March 10, 2023 @Anonymous Using placeholders for Ledger URL when connecting and explained the format of this URL. Updated cli inputs and outputs according to latest CLI.
June 5, 2024 @Anonymous Updated signer create examples with latest UX

Getting Started

In this tutorial you are going to build a ledger that manages business account balances and allows businesses to make payments to other businesses using a simple REST API.

<aside> 💡 This example represents a simplified banking core.


In order to follow this tutorial you have to have nodeJS v18 or newer installed on your machine. This tutorial uses a Minka Ledger, so our first task is to connect to it, for this we will use the Minka CLI tool.

Install the Minka CLI through your terminal:

**$ npm install -g @minka/cli**

<aside> 💡 After installing the CLI tool, you will be able to interact with local or remote ledger instances by using the minka command. Checkout all t he commands available by typing minka --help.


After we have installed a CLI, we can connect to a ledger by typing:

**$ minka server connect
? Server URL: <ledger URL>**

✅ **Connected to server <server name>** (<server URL>)

**Active ledger: <ledger name>**

Ledger URL required as input has the following format:

Now we have everything ready to start tracking balances in the ledger.

Before storing data in the ledger, we need to create a signer.

Initial configuration